at the beginning of this semester, i looked into the future and all i saw was a foggy mist of which i had no idea of how to get through... the pathway out of this surreal nightmare of mine seemed to have been just so clouded and hidden from my vision... the workload had doubled and datelines brought closer... everything honestly seemed impossible and i was just praying that i could somehow just make it through and later just shove it under the rug... there were many times i just felt like giving it up totally and throwing in the towel... really didnt care about education and graduation but rather immediate relief from stress...
but hey i am here i am still alive and everything is done... many of the projects that my group and i have done are one of the better few that i have ever contributed in... i am honestly so so so proud of what my group has achieved... results no longer feature an importance for me because i have grown and put in every ounce of effort i had into the work... i can safely say that the projects this time round are the best quality of work that i am able to produce at this present time... above everything else, He has been faithful in guiding me through this and helping me with the impossible... i would not have been able to even think of completing this wave of projects without His help... thank you Lord...
friends always care
well finally a big bulk of work is over and done with... i can finally take a breather and relax for a while... this is the first time that i could really slack for a complete day or actually 2... and it feels great... a much needed break... time for the final leg of the race... one more project to go and then the exams and it is off to defend the country... =)
friends always care