Friends For Life...

Thursday, December 28

Joel - similar but not the same

well this time round i have decided to look into the different english words... woopie isnt it? well it actually is more interesting than it sounds... i am just amazed at how different english words are being interchangably, however, most of the time are used wrongly... confused? well let me explain then...

happiness & joy
rich & wealthy
fact & truth
well these are only 3 examples... we use them all so interchangably, however we fail to realise theyr subtle yet significant differance... happiness is not joy, being rich is not being wealthy anf fact is not truth... think about it... if you think hard enough you would realise what i am trying to say...
happiness, is something that is superficial... it is something that does not last... it is something that does not go with sadness... it is something that we feel after we do something or something happens to us... however, joy is deep within... it is long lasting... it can go hand in hand with sadness... it is something that can bring about happiness... it is something that brings meaning to our life... it is something more than just an emotion...
rich, has alot to do about money, assets and power... if you are rich, you may not be happy... if you are rich you after sometime you would get bored of it... infact... most people who are rich find no more meaning in life... and most people who are rich are not happy in life... however, to be wealthy can mean that you do not have a single cent in your pocket... it has everything to do with the way you look at life... if you have a positive out look to life, you are wealthy... and being wealthy guarantees happiness... you can be wealthy over night but very rarely would you become rich...
lastly, fact is not truth... truth may not be fact either....they are both quite different... facts can change... facts now may not be facts later... haha... confused again? ok... take pluto the last rock from the sun... at first not too long ago it was considered a planet... and we took that to be a fact... however, now it is not a planet... therefore facts change... however, truth always and forever will be the same... truth cannot be changed no matter what... facts are if you want to put it "truths" of the world... however truths are truths.... truth may not be accepted by the world and thus is not considered a fact, however nevertheless it still remains as a truth...
so ya thats it... basically just know that simplicity isnt really that simple... most of the time simplicity is basically more complicated than everything....

friends always care


Saturday, December 23

Joel ~ sticks & Stones

hey okok... now not that there is anything wrong with me nor did something happen but i am interested to dwelve into the subject of hurt... interesting eh... well betcha all heard this little catchy rhyme our parents made up...

sticks and stones can break our bones but words would never hurt me...

well that is kinda true to some sense however wrong in the context it is put in agree? no? well lets carry on... hey i sound so much like a lecturer... cooolnesss... hahaha.... well true sticks and stones can break our bones but words can never hurt me, but only in the literal sense... words cannot hurt you physically but mainly emotionally...

now look at these two... physical and emotional... physical can be cured isnt it? just go on down to your "friendly" little hospital and come out looking like a little shinny doll with your right arm all nicly tucked up in a cast... well then you think of it emotional where do you go? friends? psychiatrist... at times friends cant always be there... and as for psychiatrist well lets just face the facts it is more depressing to see one than to wollow in all your guilt and pain... hey just think of it the only reason why they are called psychiatrist is because people associate them to treating people... and these doctors are named after the people that see them , in our perception, psychos... so ya... aint too good... so after seeing all that is this little cute rhyme of ours that cute anymore? it is kinda like an opaque winnie the pooh box filled with chocolates, chips, fried pigs skin... ya you get the idea right... cute and nice on the outside but evil and sinful on the inside...

think of it... little kids like us take this rhyme and take it to heart using it to go right through life like some laws of life... then as these kids are slowly teased, made fun off, made used off, etc all this hurt and emotions is just supressed within them and like a volcano waiting to errupt... and so when they do errupt what happens? they snap and soon they would have to see our dear friend the psychiatrist....

so hey remember what your parents say ya... sticks and stones may break our bones but words can never hurt me... oh but sorry it ought to be this... sticks and stones may break our bones but words can never hurt me *... well see that? they cant go round saying... sticks and stones can break our bones but words can never hurt me asterix... just kills the rhyme... so ya... till next time...

friends always care



hey hey... wow so fun the week has been for me... yesterday was great for me... woke up at 11 then started to do the cream puffs for warrens christmas party... finally finnished everything by about 3 and got ready and left the house... when i got there by abt 5, i just helped out a bit here and there till about 6... where i had the toughest job of all... FILLING THOSE PUFFS!!! aaaaaahhh the thought of it was killing me... 60 puffs to fill and it was very tiring on the forearm... well thank goodness got some help from my friends... haha but overall it was quite fun... haiz so sad i couldnt stay for the dinner... once the puffs were done i immediately shot off... sigh wished i could have been there... o well another time ya guys... =) well hope you guys at least enjoyed the puffs.. see ya soon...

friends always care


Thursday, December 21

Joel ~ baking season

wooooooooooooooooooooooot.... another day went by... i must be going crazy... i betcha my electricity bills are going to go rocket high... i have been practically baking almost everyday for the past week... sooo pooor thing xia... i think i my oven could speak he would say, "WAH crazy ah! trying to make me as hot as you izit?! after that i burn and die how?!" remember my last post? well ya... after that sat, i went to warrens house to bake on mon... then on tues my maid made a batch of pineapple tarts... today i baked another batch of cookies... tmrw yet another batch of cookies... and finally ending off with 2 recipies worth of cream puffs on fri... it is crazy xia... well BUT I LOVE IT.... WOOOOOOT.... DESTRESSSSSSSSSSS.....

friends always care


Saturday, December 16

Joel - sweet little thang

oooooooh look at those mountains... ooh so nice and soft... and mmmmmm they smell so good... let me just get a bite out of it... ooooo yes yes yes... so nice and creamy and sweet... i want more....

CAUGHT YOU!!! you sick little thing... now what did you think i was talking about... oooo i dont even have to see nor hear you to know what is going on in that little detol beckoning mind of yours... there is nothing perversed about the paragraph above.... hey what kinda person do you think i am... wait dont answer... that was a rethorical question...

well what i was talking about aint some part of a women but cream puffs... sighhhh.... people these days... o well lets carry on with the post and try to steer clear of your little fantacies.... well today was GREAT... first day after the exams... WOOOOT.... Qingyun and Warren decided to come over to my house today and we whipped up a storm....mmmmm.....

for lunch i cooked some tomato based spegetti... hmmm hey sorry if it didnt come out right guys... didnt intend on putting so much beef... hehehe.... well they said it was nice but hmm i still think there was too much beef in it.... well that was dish no. 1.....

then came dish no. 2.... ooooo yes its those creamy mountains mentioned in the first paragraph... the mouth salivating... heart pounding... tastebud yearning... ok you get the picture... CREAM PUFFS.... WOOOOT.... they were fantastic... it was so nice and creamy and moist and crispy and tasty and sweet and... ok i should stop i guess... well it was really nice.... well that was for dish no. 2

well i guess you must be wondering what we did for dish no. 3 eh... well... hahaha... sorry to disappoint but there is no dish number 3.... wahahaha.... ok sorry i am a bit high now.... FREEDOM SWEET SWEET FREEDOM.... hey if you wanna see some pics... i heard that Qingyun would be posting it up later in her blog so ya... go to her link and check it out yeah.... well thats all for now...

p.s. if you wanna try some of my creamy mountains come for Warrens christmas partay.... 22nd dec... wooooooot...

p.p.s. Warren see i am so nice i helped you advertise...

p.p.p.s. hey we should do it again another time... meybe next week... im dying to bake those breads...

p.p.p.p.s. hmmm maybe i should stop this alr...

p.p.p.p.p.s. sorry for the long good bye....

p.p.p.p.p.p.s. ok now this is for real BYE...

friends always care


Monday, December 4

Joel ~ women VS men

ok now people lets delve into the sensitive issue of the longest war ever fought by two oppositions, dating back to prehistoric times...THE BATTLE OF THE SEXES... now now... women are always driving in the point that they are treated unfairly or unequal to men...

ok so people always say:

women are bad drivers

women are too soft

women only make good housewives

men should not cook

men should bring in the bread

men are too strong headed

well these are some of the more common issues that have surfaced...

now why I THINK... not you but me... this is what i feel... as to why this battle came about...

seriously, i think that alot of people both men and women at fault form the catalyst to stir up feelings from the other sex to go against their own... ok lets see firstly... why is it that men always think they are the stronger sex... ever heard of the phrase " boys should not cry" and that is normally followed after by another "awww shame shame..." well lets take this up as an evidence... alot of people feel that men should not cry no matter what... nan er dang zi qiang; men must be strong. and this perception is held by women too... so if in their eyes men should be strong and not cry, does that not also mean that it is ok for women to cry? then taking what they say does that not mean that men are expected to be stronger than women?

well so does that not say it all? when we hear phrases such as that, everyone in society is psycho'ed into believing it and abiding by it... not following would prove that action to be deviant in nature... thus people follow it blindly... this war can only end if all sexes see them selves as equal and take up jobs and responsibilities equal to that of the other sex... if this is not implemented, the war would continue to facilitate... so well any comments on what i said? wahahaha... so fun...

p.s... this case is presented with due respect to both sexes...

hehe i wont want to see the two sides colliding against me... hehe...

friends always care


Saturday, December 2

Joel ~ solo trumpet

as the solo trumpet played it's final farewell, the crowds that gathered earlier on to bid farewell dispersed under the azure sky.... as the final rose fell to the ground so did the final tear and sorrow go along with it....

well the funeral was last thursday.... took me a few days to think through what i wanted to say.... and so here i am... throughout the 3 days that i was present for the funeral i saw crowds of people swarming to pay their last respects.... so much so that the entire top level was too small for the crowd to stand...

family all over the world centered their schedules down to this one event... friends long forgotten came back to say goodbye...

it is really amazing how things were... to see how many people and how many lives were touched by just one man... and that is only the crowd that were able to make it down for the wake and funeral... it was almost like one chunk of the world stopped all their activities to say their final farewell... well i just wish my life could end like that...

friends always care







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