Friends For Life...

Thursday, June 18


i was walking across to united square from novena square via the underpass and as usual this man in his late fifties probably sixties would be standing there with his guitar singing hymns of praise...

then came the common song in the background, "see if you dont study this is what you would be doing." in disgust my eyes started to scan through the underpass and soon enough centered onto this mother dragging her child by the arm across the underpass as her child slowly absorbed his mothers teachings. well it isnt a far cry from what my mom used to tell me "if you dont study your friends would be sitting and enjoying in the restaurant whilst you serve them." yea sure that may possibly be the result of not studying or it may not be... for my case, that was the result of studying... such an irony eh but that is another story.

the thing that i feel disgusted about is how that man was looked down upon. objects of power and success have they become the reason of living? aspiration and drive to life? so what happens once they have been reached? then what?

the day i pass one of these buskers with my own, this would be what i would tell them. "see that man over there? there is nothing wrong with what he is doing. he is doing and honest day worth of living and there is nothing to be ashamed about. if one day you were to fall into his shoes, there is nothing wrong. however his life is not an easy one, he would not earn much in a day and would not be able to afford what he really wants, but it is nothing to be ashamed of it is honest. studying would help you get a job that pays better, but if that job is not an honest one, then do not even dare look that man in the eye."

i believe that being honest and walking right in the eyes of God is definitely better than in the eyes of men. it definitely isn't the easier path but it is the most rewarding.

friends always care


Tuesday, March 17


the sun rose above the cityscape throwing a blanket of gold over the entire area. I threw myself into the air, allowing my body to succumb to the laws of gravity, and fall lazily onto the bed bellow. surveying my surroundings i realised the trees around have grown forming silhouettes against the sunlight. we made our way out as the game of charades began; requests for saucers were mistaken for ash trays. flies seemed to be treated just like any normal customer that walked into the restaurant as they were given their own private space to feast amongst the food sprawled across the table. well all i can say is, it is truly great to be home...

thinking of you...

friends always care


Friday, March 13

JojO's life

well i seriously dont know what i am still doing up at this time... am pretty tired actually... recently i have been having a roller-coaster of emotions not really knowing what to feel anymore... its kinda strange it is like i am both happy and sad at the same time... i know pretty weird right...

well life update... i shall be making my flight periods once again... i shall be escaping to vietnam on the 17th of this month, be back just in time for grad night on the 24th then fly off to aus on the 2nd of apr then be back on the 16th just in time for the graduation ceremony after which i should be flying back to vietnam again probably hanoi or something... not too sure on the dates yet but i am thinkin atound 25th of apr... and wait there till my enlistment... yeps thats the quick update of my life...

sighs... taking each step at a time hopefully something beautiful would outshine the grey...

friends always care


Thursday, March 5


endless datelines, sleepless nights, dreadful mornings, tests within sight... that was the life that i drew accustomed to throughout my 3 years in poly... the mounting load of work, the bitchy complains and gossips, the forgotten meals and the burned out keypads... thats what i learnt to love and embrace... blarring tampers, strained relationships, strengthened ties, memories made... thats what i learnt to accept and learnt to cherish...

i loved every day in my poly life now looking back... the good the bad and the ugly they all helped me to grow to become a better man than who i was before... the many stranuous days and late nights made me realised that it was truly mind over matter...

but amongst everything i know i will definitely remember the relationships that i have developed and grown to love... every kind gesture and heartfelt words of support, i remember them all so vividly and i will never forget... i have grown to learn to cherish friendship more than ever and learnt to protect it...

there were many times throughout poly that i felt that like it was impossible for me to accomplish any of the goals set or for that matter even move on to the next step... in fact i felt that way every semester... and every semester, my friends and family would always be there spurring me on, more importantly, God has never let me fall... every time that i lost faith and lost sight of hope, He has remained faithful and brought me through thus far...

this has truly been a journey for me and has been the greatest so far... cheers to 3 years of training...

for now i have felt love and lost love i can move forward and embrace love

friends always care


Thursday, January 22


at the beginning of this semester, i looked into the future and all i saw was a foggy mist of which i had no idea of how to get through... the pathway out of this surreal nightmare of mine seemed to have been just so clouded and hidden from my vision... the workload had doubled and datelines brought closer... everything honestly seemed impossible and i was just praying that i could somehow just make it through and later just shove it under the rug... there were many times i just felt like giving it up totally and throwing in the towel... really didnt care about education and graduation but rather immediate relief from stress...

but hey i am here i am still alive and everything is done... many of the projects that my group and i have done are one of the better few that i have ever contributed in... i am honestly so so so proud of what my group has achieved... results no longer feature an importance for me because i have grown and put in every ounce of effort i had into the work... i can safely say that the projects this time round are the best quality of work that i am able to produce at this present time... above everything else, He has been faithful in guiding me through this and helping me with the impossible... i would not have been able to even think of completing this wave of projects without His help... thank you Lord...

friends always care


Saturday, January 17


well finally a big bulk of work is over and done with... i can finally take a breather and relax for a while... this is the first time that i could really slack for a complete day or actually 2... and it feels great... a much needed break... time for the final leg of the race... one more project to go and then the exams and it is off to defend the country... =)

friends always care


Wednesday, December 24


i think singaporeans are seriously disgusting... over a stupid pitch of a few men running around after a ball, fights, newspaper articles and comments all showed the true character of singaporeans...

like seriously look at this:

singaporean fans booing at the vietnamese national anthem, fighting with them after we lost... come on our team is definitely not the best...

SHAME LIONS you let loyal fans like these down... splashed on the newspaper the day after? like seriously so much for education... i am so disgusted and embarassed...

friends always care







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